
We work with leading companies, their partners, and cross-sector coalitions to create change for people. See our work in practice.

Cross-Sector Coalitions

The Business Commission to Tackle Inequality (BCTI) 

Supporting the World Business Council for Sustainable Development to conceptualize, launch, and carry out the agenda-setting work of the BCTI, a cross-sector coalition of more than 80 CEOs and other leaders. Read Tackling Inequality: An Agenda for Business Action.

Indonesia Cocoa Consortium

Establishing an ecosystem partnership model for corporate and NGO partners to improve child wellbeing and build thriving cocoa communities across Indonesia.

Taskforce on Inequality and Social-related Financial Disclosures (TISFD)

Launching a global multi-stakeholder initiative to enable business and investors to identify, assess, and report on their inequality and social-related risks, opportunities, and impacts. Find out more about the TISFD

Safe Digital Childhood Initiative

Developing Save the Children’s Safe Digital Childhood strategy and global collective impact initiative to build a digital world for—and with—children that is safe, positive, and allows them to thrive.


Unilever’s Equity for Impact Framework and Paper

Developing Unilever’s enterprise-wide approach to advancing equity for its people, suppliers and retailers, consumers, and wider society, in collaboration with Adrian Hodges Advisory. Read Equity for Impact. Read Equity for Impact.

Digital Inclusion Strategy for Verizon‎ ‎ ‎

Developing a holistic digital inclusion strategy for a major US communications technology company aligned with the company’s core business objectives and capabilities.

Mars’ Farmer Income Lab

Advising and co-developing research for the Farmer Income Lab, a collaborative between Mars, AB InBev, and Danone focused on helping to eradicate smallholder poverty. Read Boosting Farmer Incomes in Agricultural Supply Chains in the Stanford Social Innovation Review.

Human Rights Strategy for Coca-Cola

Setting strategic priorities and identifying opportunities for action to address human rights risk in the global supply chain for a key agricultural ingredient. See our findings reflected in  Human Rights in The Coca-Cola Company Sugar Supply Chain: Lessons and Opportunities.

Civil Society Organisations

Mobilizing Nutritious Food Finance‎ ‎ ‎

Helping the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) understand what is needed to attract more private investment into nutritious food value chains and strengthening its leadership and visibility in the nutritious food financing space. Read Fueling the Business of Nutrition.

NGO-Business Partnerships Strategy‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

Developing a strategy and action plan for Mothers2Mothers to shift from being a philanthropic grantee to a strategic partner for companies in order to maximize its impact. 

Corporate Volunteering Framework ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

Building Save the Children’s global strategy for corporate employee engagement, which outlines how to build public awareness, engage volunteers, and rally others to become champions for children.

Making Work Work for Mothers‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

Examining the disadvantages that mothers face in the workplace, what perpetuates these disadvantages, and how employers can build more inclusive organizations for mothers and better outcomes for their business.